Product Description
Have you ever taken a few deep breaths to calm down before giving a speech? You are activing your parasympathetic nervous system through the Vagus Nerve. Have you ever fainted at the sight of blood? Have you fainted before getting a shot? You're not alone. One in three people will experience this condition (vasovagal syndrome) at least once during their lives.
Learn more in this 3 CEU online class about how the vagus nerve (CN X) has tendrils extending from your brain into your body that influence breathing, heart rate, taste, speech, skin sensations, muscle sensations, immune response, digestion, saliva production, swallowing, mucus production, sneezing, appetite, mood, immune responses and frequency of urination. Also, it's good to know how to strengthen your vagal tone and how to recognize when it is weak.
Course Outline:
Part 1: Overview of the Vagus Nerve (or CN X)
- Those Cranial Nerves
- Vagus means “Wandering.”
- Functions/Vagal Tone
- Major mind-body superhighway
Part 2: Malfunctioning of the Vagus Nerve
- Vasovagal Syncope
- Gastroparesis
- Laryngotracheal and Laryngeal Stenosis
- Alcoholism
Part 3: Understanding Dysautonomia
- Trauma and the Autonomic Nervous System
- Acetylcholine Deficiency
- Anticholinergics
Part 4: Causes of Nerve Dysfunction
- Recognizing Symptoms
- Dorsal Vagal Shutdown
Part 5: Overactive Vagus Nerve Disorder
- Lifestyle Factors
Part 6: Home Remedies to Calm the Vagus Nerve
Probiotics, Cold Shocks, Laughter, Tapping, Music, Singing, toning w/ the Alphabet, Positive Thoughts and Social Connections, Fasting, Sleeping on your Right Side, Regular Stretching and Exercise, Tai Chi, Zinc, Acupuncture
Part 7: The Science Behind Cold Exposure
- Ice and the Vagus Nerve
- Safety Measures and Precautions
Part 8: Deep Breathing
Part 9: Yoga and Meditation
- Yoga Nidra
- 10 Steps of a Yoga Nidra practice
Part 10: Vibrotactile Devices, Auricular Therapy, Reflexology
Part 11: The Love Nerve for Altruism and “Gut Feelings”
- Examples
- Fear Conditioning
- Grace Under Pressure
Part 12: Research
- Epilepsy and Neuromodulation
- Vagal Maneuvers- Natural Pacemaker
- Complications/Risks